Mars transit in Leo sign / मंगल राशि परिवर्तन विशेष! by # Astrologer Jagjit Singh walia
Mars, now embarking on its fourth journey of the year, will be heading towards its next destination in Leo on the first of July, where it will stay until mid-August. Leo is the sign ruled by the Sun, the supreme power of our universe. At this point in time, the Sun will be in Gemini, Cancer, and Leo. Mars will be in the Magha nakshatra of Ketu (lord pitra) from July 1st to July 23rd, and then in the nakshatra of Venus, Purva Phalguni (lord is...), until August 13th, before entering Uttara Phalguni of the Sun (lord is Aryamana). Here one point to be considered placement in next house of ketu in chitra Nakshatra of Mars (.lord is vishwakarma ).who has crafted this earth 🌎.with brahma ji and bhagwan shiva .So here Now Nakshatra parivartana yoga of Mars and ketu .which is very aggressive and rash yoga . This indicate rashness,aggression and expenditure.All over .violence war can be part of this .or mass deaths accident or in...