Mars transit in Leo sign / मंगल राशि परिवर्तन विशेष! by # Astrologer Jagjit Singh walia

Mars, now embarking on its fourth journey of the year, will be heading towards its next destination in Leo on the first of July, where it will stay until mid-August. Leo is the sign ruled by the Sun, the supreme power of our universe. At this point in time, the Sun will be in Gemini, Cancer, and Leo. Mars will be in the Magha nakshatra of Ketu (lord pitra) from July 1st to July 23rd, and then in the nakshatra of Venus, Purva Phalguni (lord is...), until August 13th, before entering Uttara Phalguni of the Sun (lord is Aryamana).

Here one point to be considered  placement in next house of ketu in chitra Nakshatra of Mars  (.lord is vishwakarma ).who has crafted this earth 🌎.with brahma ji and bhagwan shiva .So  here Now Nakshatra parivartana  yoga of Mars and  ketu .which is very aggressive and rash yoga . This indicate  rashness,aggression and expenditure.All over .violence war can be part of this .or mass deaths accident or incident .
Saturn will Retro and Venus too in the last period of this month . So considering  all aspects .
One more big thing happening 
Which will create huge positive effect, that jupiter changing his nakshtra enteting in bharni nakshtra of venus of lord yama. 
Here now the devil / yoga / chandal yoga which was there with rahu from long period will end, and jupiter will give all around positivity to you. 

Now will discuss how your zodic sign will get affects, 

And what measures we take to make this transit of Mars better and smooth .


Mars will be in 5th house  7th aspect on 11th house 12th & 8 th house . 
Ketu in 7th house Saturn .in 11th in direct aspect with mars .
This will bring anger ,ruffness in work kids . especially with my spouse. Till 23rd of July needs to push on if any conflict legal issue that create huge problems ..

Coming on your income this can make you in a rush to do so .
Speculation avoid or new deal 

Expenses till 22 nd indicated 
Ketu with 7th eye looking at 11th house rahu in first house  .all the combinations are alarming so patience is key . Keeping calm is good for you till 20th August.

Taurus ♉ 

Mars entering in 4 th house and his impact will be on 7th ,10th.11th ,house 
Ketu will be in the 6th house . Retro Saturn in the 10th house . Calculative risk with aggression can make you victories.and without plan anything can lead you towards big trouble .
 Health of the father ,workplace decisions need to be handled with care and calmness .
Good spiritual tour can give you peace and good effects .
Relationships with spouses need to be taken care of.
If anyone wants to tie knot should avoid .till 20th August 
Avoid new partnerships this period of time .

Gemini ♊ 
Mars is a so -called malefic planet in the third house in direct contact with Saturn .
Action time for you in society,around and relations.
Good Saturn in your chart not only give you everything.income ,and all of sudden gains .
Enemies will be under control now and quiet .
Ketu in 5th house new plans new team ,and everything will be renovated with kids work education. Many things all of sudden will be good all around venus getting retro also which will benefit you more . 

Cancer 🦀 
Mars entering in the 2nd house will be in direct aspect with retro Saturn 🪐 in 8 th house ,ketu from Mars in 3rd house .from lagna 4th house good ketu with influence of Mars indicating new property or is concern of mother  .here ketu and mars with full power ,putting impact to dominate 8th house ,were Saturn 🪐 is in full power .all of sudden new opportunities, will get created with surprise .don't be over ambitious .
Class or argument not good with a working partner .
Needs keep check before deciding,
Avoid driving rash or alcohol use .

Leo ♌ 

Mars entering in the ascendant your first house in nakshatra of ketu magha ,time to remind your forefathers,
Ketu entering in chitra ,this yoga will be from 26th June to 23,Rd July in affect.
All the corners with direct aspect of Saturn will be active like 3rd ,5th ,9th 11th beside that lagna ,7th 
Positive ketu , Saturn 🪐.mars 
In your birth chart 
Going to make you roar now as king 👑 do .
And money fame .respect position 
Will be there for you .
If any planet not placed well or under negative influence in birth chart then 
Do some remedies
Even then you don't need to bother much .
Lack of mercy 
 Disrespect to elders 
Can lead you to big trouble 
Avoid non veg and alcohol strictly In this period of time for best results.

Virgo ♍ 

Mars entering in your 12 th house ,
Saturn 🪐 retro in 6th house , ketu in 2nd changing nakshatra  house and rahu in 8 th house .
Direct impact of  each other Saturn Mars parivartana nakshatra yog of ketu mars till 18 July .from 26th June .
Impact on your 12 th 6th 7th 3rd 2nd 8th 9th house .
Placement and positivity is key here of rahu ketu Mars Saturn , in your birth chart .jupiters presence has created 
That in your 8 th house who is managing 2nd, 12th ,8th & 3rd ,
What you need to do finances 
Your work acts 
Kids study 
Just you need focus 
And try to find the right ways if any issue is there 
Your positive approach will lead you towards your goal .

Don't not indulge in gossip  .
Or listen to rumour .

Libra ♎ 

Mars entering in your 11th house with immense power , malefic planet in 11th under influence of direct retro Saturn , ,
Ketu in lagna changes your attitude and living style .Greed for money will be there , Unnatural sex can create bad blessings in life .

Change is good but should be positive and clean .
Choose right ways rahu in 7th house have impact on 3rd and 11 th house jupiter saving you ,to do anything wrong but mars and Saturn will be heavy on your thoughts 
Good transit for you but for long term peace avoid any illegal track or 

Scorpio 🦂 

Mars entering in your 10th house will be travelling in ketu venus sun  .nakshatra .
Opposite side with direct impact retro Saturn ,Jupiter in 6 th house will be giving 5 th aspect connectivity to mars .Amazing period for you .On work place .Ketu in 12 th house of moksha will recharge your soul just keep faith in your prayers and dedication.

Finance, property ,studies , relations with big people .
Everything is going to grow .
Beside that name respect,going to be large ,
Don't be overconfident
Be humble, positive and merciful..
Best period for you  .

Sagittarius 🏹 
 9th house Mars 11 th house ketu 

Wow real factor luck and money both in your hands .just need to act properly .as this can seizer for 10th house too .
But both have great yoga coming up .most probability of good time ahead .
What to do .Prayer charity and take advice from the best one .
Don't break anyone's trust or ignore the loved ones' elders .very bad results you will get .forgive and ask forgiveness.
Arrange prayer for your forefathers
From 1 St to 18 th August 
To get the best results.

Capricorn ♑ 
Mars enters in the 8 th house directly in impact with retro Saturn , ketu in  in 10 th rahu in 4th with jupiter .
Herd on 21 St June jupiter leaving Rahul as entering in lord Yama and venus nakshatra bharani  
Full of luxury ,buying new car and happiness at mother place & in your own life Saturn will be giving blessings too .at his own zodiac .
Income will become opportunity will acquire,
If placement or position of any above said planet is week in birth chart,
Do prayers and charity you will be getting good out of this only .
No alcohol or non veg till mid August
And rash driving.
Spend also careful this is time to save and earn money .
Health needs to be on check of mother .
Any hidden issue of health with your also possible.get check up done .

Aquarius ♒ 
Mars entering in ..your 7th house .
In direct impact of retro Saturn 🪐.
Rahu in 3rd house with jupiter who is also changing nakshatra entering in venus so now .position of ketu in 9th .
Mars not only staying for 19 days in ketu nakshatra will be in his impact also .planets positive position in your birth chart going to bring happiness and prayers time at your home ,positive ,politeness with spouse give you peace ,anger will create issues .
Luck will be encourage you to do better 
Name in society brother and sister will improve.
What not be done one thing 
Keep grounded .
Don't break anyone ,s sentiments 

Specially date 1 St July to 18 august .don't  do any argument or clash .

Jupiter blessings to kids mars impact on 10th house will give you immense energy to lead and perform.father health need to give care .
Income will grow avoid any big tussle in this period of time .
Charity .
Hanuman upasana 
Saturn upasna on Saturday
Will give you the best results.

Pisces 🏺

Mars entering in the 6th house of your zodiac / ascendant. Jupiter in your 2nd house , in bharni nakshtra with rahu in Ashwini,ketu in 8th ,Saturn in 12th .
Take this time as your best of time and take all challenges with full courage to cross all hurdles and win .
Mars giving immense power to your fortune ,you will be smart on expenses, hard for enemies and personality will be like a Gladiator. Partners will be accepting your say .ketu will give sudden gain .

Drink ,non veg avoid in this period of time ..
No rash driving 
No disrespect to elders 
Do prayers and charity on name of your forefathers.

I mean, it will change your life .
Encash this blessings of your planets ,

Opposite of this can lead you to many troubles if discipline , mercy ,eggo ,arguments. Will be there 

Very good transit for you .

By astrologer jagjit Singh walia
For From the heart ❤️ astrology
You tube channel 





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