15 मई से 1 जून, 2024 तक मंगल और राहु एक ही नक्षत्र रेवती में रहेंगे. मंगल और राहु की युति को अंगारक योग कहते हैं. यह एक अहम खगोलीय घटना है, जिसका व्यक्ति के जीवन पर गहरा असर पड़ सकता है. मंगल, ऊर्जा, साहस, और आक्रामकता का ग्रह है, जबकि राहु भ्रम, भय, और असंतोष पैदा करने के लिए जाना जाता है. इसलिए, मंगल और राहु की युति बहुत अशुभ मानी जाती है और इससे लोगों को कई तरह की परेशानियां झेलनी पड़ती हैं.
King of Planets Mars Joins Shadow Planet Rahu in Pisces After 18 Years
After 18 years, Mars will join Rahu in Jupiter-ruled Pisces, the twelfth House representing intuition, expenses, spirituality, and investments in the natural zodiac. This association of the Action Planet Mars, King of the Planets in this Vedic New Year, with the Shadow Planet Rahu in Pisces starts on Apr. 23 and continues until Jun. 1, 2024 (IST).
According to Vedic Astrology, Mars and Rahu are considered inimical to each other. This combination results in Angarak Dosha (Mars Affliction) as Mars’s aggressive qualities are amplified by Rahu, adversely impacting personal and professional relationships, finances, career progress, domestic bliss, and physical well-being.
What to Expect From the Mars-Rahu Conjunction in Pisces 2024
Malefic Combo: Mars-Rahu Triggers Aggressive Qualities Impacting Finances & Relationships
Mars symbolizes raw and impulsive energy. Also considered an aggressive planet, Mars acts as a catalyst for anger, accidents, and arguments. Rahu’s nature is to amplify the qualities of the planet it is sharing the sign with. It triggers Mars’s explosive attributes, leading to unpredictable behavior, impulsive decision-making, and an overpowering attitude. Moreover, Rahu behaves more like Saturn, and hence, Rahu is inimical towards Mars.
Rahu in Pisces: Mimics Jupiter’s Expansive Energies
Rahu represents desires, materialism, fame, and ambition, while Pisces, a water sign ruled by Jupiter, is known for its compassionate, peace-loving, nurturing, and intuitive nature. Rahu mimics Jupiter’s expansive energy here and offers a unique opportunity to channel Mars and Jupiter’s combined planetary energies to facilitate heightened creativity, strong intuition, spiritual enlightenment, and a deeper understanding of oneself.
On the other hand, Illusionary Rahu can also manifest uncertainty, hypersensitivity, a tendency for escapism, and deception, which can create hurdles in personal growth and relationships and make it difficult to harness the potential opportunities coming your way.
Mars in Pisces: Fuels Drive to Accomplish Goals & Attain Material Growth
However, Mars is comfortable in Pisces since the sign Lord Jupiter shares a friendly relationship with Mars. In Pisces, Mars’s tremendous energy can also bring about intuition and mental strength to fight against odds, break free from old patterns and things that hold you back, and aim for personal growth. Rahu amplifies Martian energy and drive and can give you the power and vitality to push through difficulties and achieve your material goals.
Though this combination is not very favorable, you can take advantage of this planetary association to explore and utilize opportunities to mend relationships, introspect to overcome obstacles, curb expenses and make better financial decisions, and handle problems tactfully.
To overcome these adversities and curb negativity, AstroVed will be invoking the blessings of Mars and Rahu along with relationship-enhancing and negativity-crushing archetypes, Durga (Controller of Rahu), and Muruga (Overlord of Mars), with Grand Fire Labs and Special Poojas to help you channel your energy towards productive pursuits, self-regulate your thoughts and emotions, boost self-awareness and perception, and handle your personal and professional relationships with care and consideration.
what will be affects
on zodiacs
aries ♈
with 12 th house affects
aspects on 6th house 3rd 4th house ,,7th ,8th ..
this will affect finances ,enemies ,legal issues , health,society , relationship with brother sister , spouse,& hidden losses can accure
careful in above matters ..
2ND 3RD - 7th 9th
becouse transit is in 11th housthisTHISTHTTTTe this will give mix of results but not going ..
to be so dangerous
comparing with other zodiac s
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