Scbae is upcoming book
Connection is a word which in English do not haveb full form meaning .
Same way in sanskrit connection have four variants. संश्लेषणम् ,
सांहत्यम् ,
सांहत्यम् ,
religion .
Created by human
Or invented .
Same way
Vedas ,
Bible ,
Ànd other Holly books presented by human ,
Astrology ,
What ever we are going
To bring in 27 pages
Is not said or written by
Me or my team.
Yes we are trying to make it shorter and simple ,
Which ís approximately written in more the 1 lack books, since human started writting and more then 5 làck pages must have been written .
Towards you life goal and journey this will surely guide you to get your path towards very bless full life with grand end.
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