prediction for India and BJP for next two years
Prediction for India and rulling party BJP ( prediction made as per horoscope timings available on internet) . BJP came to power with coruption issue, India horoscope From 2009 to 2015 was best time ever for Indian economy because of sun mahadasha . But as moon mahadasha, start of moon mahadasha with BJP many decisions went wrong as in BJP horoscope moon in 6th house,, As India in moon mahadasha ketu antardasha will start in December 2022. Ketu. In 7th house Will be breaking many good relationship of the country, specially closest friends. Bcs ketu in anuradha nakshtra Which is nakshtra of prime minister Narender modi also (as per our information through internet) . And ketu will be changing his nakshtra also.. Gochar position indicating Moon in jyeshtha nakshtra of mecury indicating finencial issues kind of insolvency by big Business houses supported by govt as Jupiter, Saturn Ketu Rahu are...